Arrangements: Evolved
This is the most important series of paintings I have ever created.
Part one of the Arrangements series was 50 paintings that I had fun making. They were messy and loud and full of life. The first piece I created was in summer of 2021. Thinking about the rollercoaster of events that have happened in my life since then is the driving force behind the second part of this evolved series. Despite living deeply through each moment in time it feels as if a tornado pulled me in and spun me 150mph past the days that I felt on top of the world; past the days where giving up felt like the only option; past every moment in between and landed me in this perfectly imperfect present time. 
Artistically: Arrangements Evolved uses a much more thought out palette of color. I’ve decided to eliminate the overwhelmingly loud yellow and pink background colors I used in the first part of the series and instead mix colors to create the perfect background tones to build off of.  I’ve introduced different shapes and abstract elements that give each painting more texture and dimension.
Personally: As stated, life for me has felt like a tornado.  Each year passes faster and faster and as I get older and life gets busier this idea of time passing by has consumed my thoughts. I feel that I’m trying to hold onto each moment in hopes that everything will slow down. These heavy feelings have been the heart of the second part of this Arrangement series.  While the first 50 paintings had a very synchronized and uplifting visual presence, the Evolved series will have chaotic movement.  The Evolved series will feel like stability is being ripped apart.  The Evolved series will feel like life moving in slow motion.  It’s beauty and tragedy all in one.
Arrangements: Evolved is a visual feeling of Time.